Monday, November 20, 2006

Home Sweet Home!

The Furman Crew with Ms. Fulbright

Our Vietnamese Team for the week!

Well well well, we have arrived back to the USA! It has been one looong week (not to mention a veryy long plane ride!). Since our last posting, we have done a lot of really cool things! Saturday was a very busy day for us. We arrived at the National Convention Center early in the morning to hear PM John Howard of Australia speak at the summit. It was really neat to see him, because his office will be running APEC next year when we travel to Sydney.

This was the podium that all of the HEADS OF STATE spoke from!!

PM of Australia, John Howard

Following his speech, we participated in more interviews with ABAC leaders and CEOs of businesses who regularly participate in the summit, including Timothy Ong, the founder and CEO of AsiaInc Forum (and AsiaInc magazine--huge!) and Bob Prieto, the CEO of Fluor (as in Fluor Daniel!). These interviews were really neat, because we were able to get to know these leaders on a more personal level.

Our last speaker of the afternoon was Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. Given the fact that she was 20 minutes late at the podium, she did give an awesome speech and left all of us wanting more. The question and answer session she led after her speech included issues such as the importance of global education, women in politics, and the US' confidence in its foreign policy.

Then we were whisked away for a very special interview, one to wrap up our time in Vietnam. We were on our way to interview with GENERAL GIAP...the one and only! General Giap is a Vietnamese four star general, who was the military leader of teh Viet Minh guerrilla group under Ho Chi Minh's government. It was such an amazing opportunity to see him in person, as he is approaching 100 years of age. He spoke with us and even took some of our questions about how he was able to join the army and make such a difference in the life of Vietnam. He charged us with taking our own leadership roles and making a difference in our communities.
The General with Ms. Fulbright...the group was crowded in a small room in his house

We finished our time at the conference with some more shopping in the old quarters, followed by a closing gala dinner, in which we were able to see the people we had met throughout the week and wish them safe travels. All in all, it was an amazing night to end a wonderful week!
Ms. Fulbright with Dr. Shi's book

Now I sit back in my chair at Furman thinking about all of the amazing opportunities we were just given, as well as the chance of a lifetime to see Vietnam. I cannot believe the amazing contacts that I just made in one week, and who will remain my friends and colleagues for a long time. I am so thankful for the Riley Insitute giving me this opportunity and this ability to network in a way that is unforgettable.

Yay airplane pictures!

And so now, I will pack my things and head home for Thanksgiving break...and to catch up on much needed sleep! Until next year...APEC 2007: Sydney, Australia!



foxofbama said...

Congrats again to all of you on this impressive trip and representation of Furman.
While you were out of Country, newly elected Senator James Webb of Virginia was on NBC's Meet the PRess with some interesting comments about GATT and Nafta and how that is effecting labor and the working poor in America.
Coming from what just ten years ago was the heart of international textiles, Upstate South Carolina, and the apparently almost forgotten scathing expose on Greenville (touching Furman in a few paragraphs), I would be delighted to be notified of any papers that come out of your trip to Apec, especially anything the Riley Inst and Furman staff could put up online.
Anything that references the evolving conversation Senator Elect Webb promises in the US Senate would be quite fascinating, not only to my lay interest, but I well imagine to Upstate business interests as well.
Stephen Fox, FU '75
Collinsville, Al

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